Expert geniality show je vedomostná súťaž pre žiakov 5. – 9. ročníka ZŠ a všetkých typov stredných škôl.
Súťaž je výnimočná z niekoľkých dôvodov. Žiaci súťažia v dvoch súťažných témach, ktoré si vyberú zo šiestich ponúknutých. Témy zahŕňajú angličtinu, dejepis, geografiu, občiansku náuku, fyziku, biológiu, chémiu, astronómiu, logiku, šport a všeobecný prehľad. Piatakom a šiestakom ponúkame dve témy, ktoré obsahujú všetky uvedené oblasti.
Kvíz Experta: English
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Skúste znova. Test pripravila Talentída.
Pripravili sme pre vás sériu testov EXPERT ku každej téme. Ak chcete môžete si ich vyskúšať.
#1. Which set of equipment contains the most useful things for an Antarctic expedition?
#2. What is a solution to the following riddle?
Dolly rode into the city on Monday. Three days later she rode out on Monday. How is that possible?

#3. Emily is in a library. Which sentence has been covered in the following dialogue?
Librarian: “How can I help you?”
Emily: “I’m looking for a book about building materials.”
Librarian: ___
Emily: “Thank you very much.”
#4. What should we fill in the gap to make a pun?
I finally realized it. People are ____ of their phones, that’s why they are called cell phones.

#5. Which island does this bird’s eye view map from 1870 show?
#6. Which sentence was covered in the dialogue?
A: Sorry for interrupting, can we ask you a few questions for our school magazine?
B: Of course, go ahead.
A: Why are the products in your school buffet mostly unhealthy?
#7. Complete the gaps in the joke with the correct words.
A boy asks his father: “Dad, are insects good to eat?”
“That’s ____. Don’t talk about things like that over dinner,” his dad replies.
After dinner the father addresses his son: “What did you want to ask me?”
“Oh, nothing,” the son replies,“ there was a ____ in your soup but now it’s gone.”

#8. Sam was reading a recipe and came across a new word. He found its definition in a dictionary. Which word was it?
____ – to combine ingredients in a bowl or cooking vessel, often with a rubber spatula or wooden spoon.